Friday, 23 January 2015

cake day tomorrow...

School cake bake tomorrow - and no, I have no idea whether they meet food regs, but hey-ho

I love our little library (we go every week) and I am always picking up the latest cook book, I saw this:

me and the librarian had a chuckle about how everything was going to be too difficult for a "home cook" and that it's a nice coffee table book. yippee! so wrong, the recipes are in British measurements (hoo-ray) and they are doo-able - i took a lot longer to achieve results and I cook every day and bake every other day

Inspired by the rainbow cake - which is a magnificent looking thing! I've made these cup cake for the school cake sale tomorrow

Boo says they taste better than a rainbow - I can only guess that nothing tastes better than a rainbow, unless it's cake :-)

Since then I have topped them with some butter cream and sprinkles: 

in the background are some jammie dodgers from the same book - I made small ones as opposed to the one large one and the recipe amount made around 24 - but, I had some casualties because I have a fan oven and I have never cooked biscuits before so lost a few to trial and error

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